
Essential Developmental Biology, 3rd Edition

Student Companion Site

Welcome to the Student Companion Site for

Essential Developmental Biology, 3rd Edition

Essential Developmental Biology is a comprehensive, richly illustrated introduction to all aspects of developmental biology. Written in a clear and accessible style, the third edition of this popular textbook has been expanded and updated to include:

  • numerous full-color photographs of developmental biology specimens
  • a new concise summary of "How Development Works"
  • new chapters on “Techniques for Studying Organogenesis” and "Applications of Pluripotent Stem Cells"
  • expanded treatment of human development, tissue renewal, stem cells, growth, aging, and regeneration.

In addition, this accompanying website provides useful materials for both student and instructor, including animated developmental processes and all artwork in downloadable format.

With an emphasis on a clear explanation of the properties of the main model organisms, the main methods of investigation, and the evidence underpinning the main conclusions, this book is an essential key text for both undergraduate and first year graduate courses in developmental biology.

You are free to download the material on this site for your own use and teaching purposes. For all other uses please contact our Permissions Department

About the book

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